
  • SO LONG 2018, HELLO 2019!

    SO LONG 2018, HELLO 2019! So many wonderfully creative and productive things happened here at Heavy Leather this past year. I want to personally thank you all for your support, enabling me to keep this business, which I love so dearly. Here's a glimpse into the year in leather: 10 YEARS IN BUSI... View Post

    I dig loud, gas-guzzling vehicles. If I had a larger driveway, which I will one day, I'd have even more vehicles. Currently, I own one car and one motorcycle, but there was a time that I had 3 bikes and 2 cars. I've been told I was a fighter pilot in a past life. I love to drive fast, and aggres... View Post

    Motorhead. Arguably the coolest heavy metal/rock 'n' roll band of all time. It was a dream to meet Lemmy Kilmister, the legend who's mythical tales of mayhem stretched back to the days of Hendrix. The guy who ate all the acid with Hawkwind. Who pioneered the heavy metal-rock crossover sound. Who... View Post